C. Anthologies containing poems by Laura Riding
[Titles of poems printed given in brackets where known; titles of first publication or first-translation poems appear in roman]
1924 - 1951 | 1953 - 2000
Anthology Of Magazine Verse For 1924, and Yearbook of American Poetry, ed. William Stanley Braithwaite.-Boston: Brimmer, 1924.-pp. 101-102. ['A Pair']
Anthology Of Magazine Verse For 1925, and Yearbook of American Poetry, ed. William Stanley Braithwaite.-Boston: Brimmer, 1925.-pp. 124-127. ['Lying Spying'; 'The Sad Boy'; 'Mortal']
The Best Poems Of 1925, ed. L.A.G. Strong.-Boston: Small, Maynard, 1925.-pp. 106-107. ['For One Who Will Remember'; 'Summary For Alastor']
The Best Poems Of 1926, ed. L.A.G. Strong.-New York: Dodd, Mead, 1926.-pp. 95-96. ['As Well As Any Other'; 'Many Gentlemen']
The Best Poems Of 1927, ed. L.A.G. Strong.-New York: Dodd, Mead, 1927.-p. 130. ['For All Our Sakes']
Anthologie de la Nouvelle Poésie Américaine, par Eugene Jolas.-Paris: Kra, 1928.-pp. 187-188. ['le Nombre']
Fugitives: An Anthology Of Verse.-New York: Harcourt, Brace, 1928.-pp. 87-100. ['The Poet's Corner'; 'The Quids'; 'The Simple Line'; 'Loss Of Reason'; 'Up A Tree'; 'Afternoon'; 'If We Have Heroes'; 'Death Of The Author'; 'Sunday']
Twentieth-Century Poetry, ed. John Drinkwater, Henry Seidel Canby, William Rose Benét.-Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1929.-pp. 580-582. ['Sea, False Philosophy'; '0 Vocables Of Love']
The Year's Poetry [1934]: A Representative Selection, ed. Denys Kilham Roberts, Gerald Gould, John Lehmann.-London: Bodley Head, 1934.-pp. 139-144. ['Midsummer Duet 1934', by Laura Riding and Robert Graves: a two-'voice' poem] [Republished in Collected Poems by Laura Riding, 1938, pp. 145-149; 1980, pp. 141-144 (notes p. 403); 2001, pp.145-149 (notes p.[iv], 479); in Complete Poems [of] Robert Graves, Vol. 3, ed. Beryl Graves, Dunstan Ward, 1999, pp. 335-338 (notes pp. 526-527)]
The Faber Book Of Modern Verse, ed. Michael Roberts.-London: Faber, 1936.pp. 211-223. ['The Tillaquils; 'Lucrece And Nara'; 'The Map Of Places'; 'The Tiger'; 'The Wind, The Clock, The We'; 'The Wind Suffers'; 'The Flowering Urn'; 'Nor Is It Written'; 'Auspice Of Jewels'] (for 1951 & 1965 revisions, and for 1982 reissue, see below)
The Modern Poet: An Anthology, ed. Gwendolen Murphy.-London: Sidgwick & Jackson, 1938.-pp. 84-92. ['The Quids'; 'As Many Questions As Answers'; 'Earth'; 'Doom In Bloom'; 'The Victory'; 'After So Much Loss'] [Laura Riding's 'account of the poet at work' quoted by editor, pp. xvi-xvii and pp. 184-188]
A Book Of Modern Verse [ed. Ian M. Parsons].-London: Chatto & Windus, 1939.-p. 53. (Zodiac Books) ['As Well As Any Other'] (reissued 1948).
An Anthology Of Modern Poetry: Lyric America, 1630-1941, ed. Alfred Kreymborg.-2nd rev. ed.-New York: Tudor, 1941.-pp. 642-643. (1st ed. 1930; rev. ed. 1935). ['The Wind Suffers'] [also published as] Lyric America ..., ed. Alfred Kreymborg.-New York: Coward McCann [same editions & dates].
The Little Book Of Modern Verse, ed. Anne Ridler.-London: Faber, 1941.-pp. 91-92. ['The Tillaquils'] (reprinted, 1942 on, as A Little Book Of Modern Verse)
A New Anthology Of Modern Verse, 1920-1940, ed. C. Day Lewis, L.A.G. Strong.-London: Methuen, 1941.-pp. 151-152. ['Many Gentlemen'; 'The Way It Is']
Treasury Of Modern Poetry, ed. A.S. Collins.-London: University Tutorial Press, 1947.-pp. 165-167. ['Prisms'; 'So Slight; 'Hospitality To Words'; 'The Wind Suffers']
A Little Treasury Of American Poetry: the chief poets from colonial times to the present day, ed. Oscar Williams.-New York: Scribner, 1948.-pp. 667-677. ['The Map Of Places'; The Flowering Urn'; 'Dear Possible'; 'The Wind, The Clock, The We'; 'Three Sermons To The Dead'; 'For-Ever Morning'; 'Because Of Clothes'; 'Respect For The Dead'; 'Auspice Of Jewels'] (Reissued, as "revised edition", 1952)
transition workshop, ed. Eugene Jolas.-New York: Vanguard Press, 1949.-pp. 254-256. ['All Nothing, Nothing']
The Faber Book Of Modern Verse, ed. Michael Roberts.-New [2nd] ed., rev. by Anne Ridler.-London: Faber, 1951.-pp. 221-231. ['The Tillaquils'; 'Lucrece And Nara'; 'The Map Of Places'; 'The Tiger'; 'The Wind Suffers'; 'The Flowering Urn'; 'Nor Is It Written'; 'Auspice Of Jewels']
1953 - 2000
Nuovissima Poesia Americana E Negra, 1949-1953, ed. Carlo Izzo.-Parma: Guanda, 1953.-pp. 116-117. ['Respect For The Dead'= 'Rispetto per i Morti']
An Anthology Of Modern English And American Verse, ed. N.G. Guterman.-Leningrad: State Publishing House For Education, 1963.-pp. 245-246. ['The Way It Is']
The Faber Book Of Modern Verse, ed. Michael Roberts.-3rd ed., rev. by Donald Hall.-London: Faber, 1965.-pp. 191-197. ['The Tillaquils'; 'Lucrece And Nara', 'The Wind, The Clock, The We'; 'The Flowering Urn'; 'Nor Is It Written'; 'Auspice Of Jewels']
The New York Times Book Of Verse, ed. Thomas Lask.-New York: Macmillan, 1970.-pp. 334-335. ['The Troubles Of A Book']
The Norton Anthology Of Modern Poetry, ed. Richard Ellmann, Robert O'Clair.-New York: Norton, 1973.-pp. 627-633. ['The Map Of Places'; 'Opening Of Eyes'; 'With The Face'; 'Auspice Of Jewels'; 'Because Of Clothes'; 'The Forgiven Past']
Revolution Of The Word: A New Gathering Of American Avant Garde Poetry, 1914- 1945, ed. Jerome Rothenberg.-New York: Seabury Press, 1974.-pp. 222-238. ['By Crude Rotation'; 'Elegy In A Spider's Web'; 'The Wind, The Clock, The We'; 'Poet: A Lying Word'; 'My Mother And My Birth'] [with 'Statement of Disagreements' (January 1974), by L.(R.)J., pp. 237-238] (Reissued.-Boston MA: Exact Change, 1998.)
The Penguin Book Of Women Poets, ed. Carol Cosman, Joan Keefe, Kathleen Weaver.-London: Allen Lane, 1978.-pp. 368-370. ['The Forgiven Past'] [Unauthorized; no Riding poems in later issues]
The Poetry Anthology, 1912-1977: Sixty-Five Years of America's Most Distinguished Verse Magazine, ed. Daryl Hine, Joseph Parisi.-Boston MA: Houghton Mifflin, 1978.-pp. 93-94. ['Head Itself']
Michael Roberts' The Faber Book Of Modern Verse; a reissue of the original edition [1936], with an account of its making by Janet Adam Smith.-London: Faber, 1982.-pp. 211-223. [Facsimile reprint; for contents see 1936 entry above]
The Rattle Bag: An Anthology Of Poetry, ed. Seamus Heaney, Ted Hughes.-London: Faber, 1982.-pp. 162-165; 359-360; 466-467. ['Forgotten Girlhood'; 'The Sad Boy; 'The Wind Suffers']
The Faber Book Of Vernacular Verse, ed. Tom Paulin.-London; Boston MA: Faber, 1990.-pp. 52-53. ['The Wind, The Clock, The We']
In transition: A Paris Anthology; Writing and Art from transition magazine 1927-30, ed. Noel Riley Fitch.-London: Secker & Warburg, 1990.-pp. 180-181. ['Sea-Ghost'; 'And This Is Loveliness']
The Best American Poetry 1993, ed. David Lehman, guest ed. Louise Gluck.-New York: Scribner; Collier, 1993.-pp. 184-185. ['Makeshift']
Chapters Into Verse: Poetry In English Inspired By The Bible, ed. Robert Atwan, Laurance Wieder.- New York: Oxford University Press, 1993.-2v.-Vol.1, p. 9; Vol. 2, p. 13. ['There Is No Land Yet'; 'The Virgin'] (Single-volume paperback reissue, 2000)
Literature In English [Writers and Styles from Anglo-Saxon Times to the Present], ed. W.H. New, W.E. Messenger.-Scarborough ONT: Prentice-Hall Canada, 1993.-p.1349. ['The Map of Places']
More Light: Father & Daughter Poems: A Twentieth-Century American Selection, ed. Jason Shinder.-New York: Harcourt, Brace, 1993.-p. 4. (Harvest Originals) ['The Lullaby']
The Pre-Intermediate Choice; Student's Book, ed. Sue Mohamed, Richard Acklam.Harlow: Longman, 1993.-p. 88. ['Children']
King Solomon's Garden: Poems And Art Inspired By The Old Testament, ed. Laurance Wieder.-New York: Abrams, 1994.-pp. 15-17. ['In The Beginning']
The Columbia Anthology Of American Poetry, ed. Jay Parini.-New York: Columbia University Press, 1995.-pp. 469-473. ['Prisms, 'Helen's Burning'; 'All Things'; 'The World And I'; 'Nothing So Far']
Poems For The Millennium: The University Of California Book Of Modern & Postmodern Poetry; Vol. 1: From Fin-de-Siecle to Negritude, ed. Jerome Rothenberg, Pierre Joris.-Berkeley CA; London: University of California Press, 1995.-pp. 637-641. ['Elegy In A Spider's Web']
The New Oxford Book Of Children's Verse, ed. Neil Philip.-Oxford; New York: Oxford University Press, 1996.-pp. 194. ['Toward The Corner']
The Norton Anthology Of Poetry.-4th ed., by Margaret Ferguson, Mary Jo Salter, Jon Stallworthy.-New York; London: Norton, 1996.-pp. 1316-1317. ['The Wind Suffers'; 'Ding-Donging']
Poetry In Motion: 100 Poems from the Subways and Buses, ed. Molly Peacock, Elise Paschen, Neil Neches.-New York; London: Norton, 1996.-p. 109. ['Take Hands']
The School Bag, ed. Seamus Heaney, Ted Hughes.-London: Faber, 1997.-p. 533. ['The Wind Suffers']
Generations: Poems Between Fathers, Mothers, Daughters, Sons, ed. Melanie Hart, James Loader.-London; New York: Penguin, 1998.-p. 213. ['Mortal']
Making Your Own Days: The Pleasure of Reading and Writing Poetry, by Kenneth Koch.-New York: Scribner, 1998.-p. 276. ['You Or You']
All The Days Of My Life: Poems To Console And Inspire, ed. Philip Davis.-London: Dent, 1999.-pp. 405-406. ['The Forgiven Past']
The Harvill Book Of Twentieth-Century Poetry In English, ed. Michael Schmidt.-London: Harvill Press, 1999.-pp.187-194. ['A City Seems'; 'The Mask'; 'One Self'; 'The Troubles Of A Book'; 'The World And I'; 'Poet: A Lying Word'; 'Divestment Of Beauty'; 'The Reasons Of Each']
American Poetry: The Twentieth Century; Vol. 2: E.E. Cummings to May Swenson.- New York: Library of America, 2000.-pp. 335-346. ['An Ancient Revisits; 'As Well As Any Other'; 'Prisms'; 'Lucrece And Nara', '0 Vocables Of Love'; 'Faith Upon The Waters'; 'Sea, False Philosophy'; 'The Map Of Places'; 'Chloe Or...'; 'Take Hands'; 'The World And I'; 'The Wind, The Clock, The We'; 'Nothing So Far'; 'Divestment Of Beauty'; 'Because Of Clothes'; 'With The Face']
The New Penguin Book Of English Verse, ed. Paul Keegan.-London; New York: Penguin, 2000.-pp. 918-919. ['The Wind Suffers']
If you'd like to contribute to, or find out more about, Laura (Riding) Jackson and her work don't hesitate to get in touch, we'd love to hear from you.