Box 4 – 1974

Laura (Riding) Jackson
Letters 1974

To Mark Jacobs


[Note: letters of more than two pages are indicated, for example, ‘12pp’]

20 January George Fraser, Michael Kirkham’s ‘Robert Graves’ Debt to Laura Riding’; Denver Quarterly.

28 January Letter from Joyce Wexler with article (not included)

2 February Reference to MJ’s letter informing L(R)J about G. S. Fraser’s illness.

9 February Denver Quarterly, G. S Fraser; Michael Kirkham’s ‘Robert Graves’ Debt to Laura Riding’; Robert Graves; Joyce Wexler

10 February Michael Kirkham, Robert Graves, Modern Library Association, Graves Seminar, George Fraser, Harry Kemp, article in the TLS.

20 February. 4pp. Michael Kirkham, 'Focus On Robert Graves', MLA New York Dec. 1973 – Seminar on Robert Graves and The Influence of Laura Riding on RG, 1974 Graves Seminar; Alan Clark’s review of The Telling in Stand.

22 February. 3pp. Letter to Michael Kirkham. References to Joyce Wexler, proposed Seminar ‘on Robert Graves, MLA, ‘The Influence of Laura Riding in Robert Graves’; Graves ‘Focus’.
Copies sent to Joyce Wexler, MJ, Dr. Ellsworth Mason, Prof. A. T. Tolley.

25 February. 4pp. Reference to GS Fraser, Denver Quarterly, Harry Kemp, Martin Seymour-Smith; RG; Joyce Wexler; Alan Clark; The Telling, Selected Poems.

3 March. 5pp. GS Fraser; Michael Kirkham, MLA Dec. 1972 seminar on RG, Ellsworth Mason’s ‘Focus on Robert Graves’; Auden, Empson, Reeves, Kemp, Seymour-Smith; Alan Clark; Yeats-Eliot.

9 March. 3pp. Martin Seymour-Smith, RG in Contemporary Poets of the English Language, Alan Clark, The Telling, Stand; RG. Burns-Sproat-Jackson correspondence, specifically 1 Sept. 1968, 30 Nov. 1968.

13 March Reference to Joyce Wexler. Attached note referring to Martin Seymour-Smith, RG, Contemporary Poets of the English Language

21 March Reference to Burns-Sproat-Jackson correspondence; Contemporary Poets, RG, Martin Seymour Smith essay; ‘first-nameism’, Harry Kemp; A Survey of Modernist Poetry.

23 March Reference to Michael Kirkham, ‘Graves Seminar’, Joyce Wexler, Alan Clark, Ellsworth Mason, RG, Denver Quarterly; Ann Tibble Story of English Literature, RG’s Asphodel book; RG, Seymour-Smith, Owen publication, Jarrell, the Yale Review; advice on MJ’s dissertation.

5 April. 5pp. Reference to relations between MJ, L(R)J and GS Fraser, Harry Kemp, Paddy Fraser; MJ’s dissertation and critique of his letter to Mrs. Tibble; The Survey, RG; The Review; Dr. Leary, Joyce Wexler; Robert Nye, Blake, David Jones, Martin Seymour-Smith, The Telling, The Guardian.

26 April Reference to letter to L(R)J from Michael Kikrham requesting contact from MJ and others; Joyce Wexler, Prof. Tolley, Ellsworth Mason.

27 April New Verse, The Times, Roy Fuller, RG, GS Fraser

14 May Antaeus; Peter Owen; RG, Joyce Wexler.

18 May. 5pp. Comment on the MLA Seminar, L(R)J on RG

29 May Reference to comment on L(R)J in The Times, The Oxford Book of Modern Verse, The Survey, Graves Seminar.

1 June. 7pp. Statement sent to Michael Kirkham on L(R)J’s views of Graves Seminar. Copies sent to Joyce Wexler, Sonia Raiziss, Prof. Robert Canary. (6pp of commentary on MLA Seminar)

18 June Graves Seminar; Prof. Robert Canary, Harry Kemp; GS Fraser.

17 July. 3pp. Graves Seminar, Michael Kirkham, Joyce Wexler, Alan Clark; Anthony Thwaite, RG, Encounter, Focus article, Chelsea, Denver Quarterly; GS Fraser.

2 letters to L(R)J from MJ.

29 July. 6pp. Joyce Wexler, Graves Seminar, University of Buffalo

21 August A Survey, pp. 144, 145

7 September Joyce Wexler, Samuel Hynes; Alan Clark.

15 September Reference to pamphlet on 'Film-Making', Covenant pamphlet; Alan Clark, Thwaite, John Cotton; Yeats, Prof. Oshima, Japanese magazine; Graves Seminar, Sonia Raiziss; Samuel Hynes, Joyce Wexler; Collected Poems, Robert Nye ‘Focus on Poets’

27 September Letter to MJ from Alan Clark with extract from letter to Alan Clark from L(R)J.

29 September Reference to Mr. Hynes, GS Fraser, Joyce Wexler, Christine Rosetti sentimental-ese; Harry Kemp; Thwaite.

25 October Reference to Alan Clark, Joyce Wexler.

4 November Reference to Alan Clark, Thwaite; Japanese Catholic College, Sister of the order of Notre Dame; Denver Quarterly, Contemporary Poets, Seminar, Mr. Canary.

12 November Reference to MJ’s introduction to his thesis; Prof. Canary, Alan Clark, Thwaite.

17 November Mr. Canary; RG, The Survey, Asphodel; Modern Language Quarterly, Thwaite, Alan Clarke.

23 Nov Telegram from L(R)J to MJ

7 December Acceptance as referee for MJ, GS Fraser, RG, Shenandoah magazine, Douglas Day, Nancy Nicholson; Alan Clark; Mr. Canary, Joyce Wexler, the Seminar, Sonia Raiziss.

20 December. 3pp. pamphlet, Alan Clark.