Box 5 – 1975

Laura (Riding) Jackson
Letters January-December 1975

Provenance: To Mark Jacobs

Box Two
24 Letters
Referenced 123-0145


[Note: letters of more than two pages are indicated, eg., ‘12pp’]

22 January Reference to MLA seminar material, Alan Clark, Thwaite, Mr. Canary, Joyce Wexler, Faulkner, RG, MLA; Mrs. Tibble; Oxford Companion, Rational Meaning, A New Foundation for the Definition of Words; Harper and Row; L(R)J’s health, Prof. Sproat.

2 February Reference to relations between MJ and GS Fraser.

7 February Reference to Hugh Ford, Alan Clark, Harper and Row, Dent; Joyce Wexler, Prof. Canary.

28 February Reference to Paddy Fraser and GS Fraser, Alan Clark.

21 April Reference to MJ and wife; Alan Clark

30 May Alan Clark; Thwaite on RG; MJ’s article on Auden and L(R)J, Notes and Queries.

11 June 'The Limits of Human Decline', Alan Clark; use of first names; Harry Kemp; Kunitz poets

13 June Use of first names; Harry Kemp, James Reeves, Martin Seymour-Smith; Fugitive bibliography; reference to 1925-1926, USA, England, RG, Nancy Nicholson, Egypt, Thwaite, Alan Clark, Encounter, New Review; TLS 6 June, Yeats, GS Fraser, Pamphlet Against Anthologies and RG; Vision and Rhetoric, Praeterita, Auden.

15 June TLS, Fletcher, Pritchard, RG.

15 July Writing on metaphor, Alan Clark, Chelsea issue 35; Norma Green; Proof, Annual of American Bibliography; Praeterita

20 July TLS, Graves; reference to letter to L(R)J from Deputy Editor of TLS; Alan Clark

20 July (Cont’d) Reference to ‘imagery’ and ‘metaphor’, Epilogue, Reader Over Your Shoulder, Denver Quarterly, Minnesota Review 1967, RG; Joyce Wexler, Samuel Hynes, GS Fraser, Harry Kemp; letter from L(R)J to Gertrude Stein, 'The Cool Web', Fugitive, William Yandell Elliott, 'Pure Death', Alan Clark; ‘Dr. Gove and 'The Future of English Dictionaries’ with comment on George Mason on Noam Chomsky.

21 July Fugitive, Hart Crane, Praeterita, Horace Gregory, the N.Y.C.; Alan Clark

Undated. 6pp. (circa. August) Thwaite; the Fugitives: ‘Stewart’ Jones, Donald Davidson, Louise Cowan, RG, George Slade; Douglas Day, Martin Seymour-Smith, GF, Alan Clark, Modern Language Quarterly; Michael Kirkham; MLS Seminar, Heinemann; Japan, Yeats; ‘Jocasta’, Joyce Wexler, Harry Kemp, Samuel Hynes.

4 August Letter to MJ from Alan Clark re. The White Goddess; containing message from L(R)J, ‘Metaphor’, Literary Criticism: A Short History by Wimsatt and Brooks; Seizin Press titles, the Stein Acquaintance With Description, Epilogue, Seizin/Constable titles, Antigua Penny Puce, Progress of Stories, T.S. Matthews’ The Moon’s No Fool, A Mistake Somewhere, Honor Wyatt’s The Heathen, Schwartz Almost Forgotten Germany, Madeleine Vara Convalescent Conversations, No Decency Left, 14a by Riding and Ellidge, Private Library article. 

1975 Undated Reference to Michael Kirkham; Wimsatt and Brooks, New Statesman, Cameron, Graves, Norman Cameron-isms, Denver Quarterly article; Japanese professor, Alan Clark, Thwaite; Pritchard, TLS; Robert Graves' 'debt', Ellsworth Mason Focus On Robert Graves, Chelsea issue 33.

10 August Reference to 14A,Thwaite

10 September Hogarth Press The Close Chaplet, Harry Kemp, ‘Harry Kemp The Poet’, RG, Nancy Nicolson. Cameron, Hart Crane, Praeterita, The Reader Over Your Shoulder, Epilogue essay on language; Yeats, Macmillan, Hugh Ford, Seizin Press, Alan Clark; Royal Society.

11 September Reference to Chelsea issue 35, Sonia Raizis.

1 October Reference Alan Clark, The Close Chaplet, Hogarth Press, RG; Hugh Ford, New York Times Book Review; George Fraser, Paddy Fraser.

19 October. 6pp. Reference to Alan Clark, Thwaite; Hart Crane; Loren Eisely, Praeterita, Michael Kirkham’s essay in Chelsea and Tillich (Ivan), Focus On Robert Graves, G. Fraser, Cyril Connelly, Day, Observer; George Fraser, I A Richards, Empson.

2 November Reference to Joyce Wexler, Four Decades, MLA Seminar.

21 November Alan Clark, Philip Guerrard, Wyndham Lewis; George Fraser, Harry Kemp, Martin Seymour-Smith.

4 December Reference to MJ’s writing on Experts Are Puzzled; ‘Mademoiselle Comet’, Anarchism Is Not Enough, Defoe’s Moll Flanders, The Tempest; ‘The Idea of God’, Progress of Stories; Alan Clark, Thwaite; George Fraser.

20 December Reference to ‘Mademoiselle Comet’; Joyce Wexler, Alan Clark; George and Paddy Fraser; Cornell University.

Check 10 August.