
Main Works

A. Books
[Longer bracketed characterisations placed within double-quotes were supplied by L.(R.)J. herself in 1976]

A. I. Works Written, Collaborated in, or Edited by, Laura Riding
[Excluded: unauthorized ("pirated") book-reprints]

1926 - 1935 | 1936 - 2001

The Close Chaplet, by Laura Riding Gottschalk.-London: Hogarth Press; New York: Adelphi, 1926.-77p. [Poems] [Name on board-label: Laura Gottschalk]

Voltaire: A Biographical Fantasy, by Laura Riding [with Foreword, 1921].-London: Hogarth Press, 1927.-30p., port.front. (engraving of Voltaire) [Poem] ['Gottschalk' deleted (overprinted by double rule) on title-page. For background see J.H. Willis, Jr., Leonard And Virginia Woolf As Publishers: The Hogarth Press, 1917-41, 1992, pp. 121-124]

A Survey Of Modernist Poetry, by Laura Riding and Robert Graves [with Note].-London: Heinemann, 1927; New York: Doubleday, 1928.-295p.

Contemporaries And Snobs.-London: Cape; New York: Doubleday, 1928.-256p. [Criticism] [Contents: 1. 'Poetry & The Literary Universe' [I-VI], 2. 'T.E. Hulme, The New Barbarism, & Gertrude Stein', 3. 'The Facts In The Case Of Monsieur Poe']

Anarchism Is Not Enough.-London: Cape; New York: Doubleday, 1928.-224p. ["Mainly Criticism"] [Longer pieces: 'Jocasta' (on Oswald Spengler and Wyndham Lewis), pp. 41-132; 'An Anonymous Book', pp. 152-186; 'The Damned Thing' (on sex), pp. 187-208]

A Pamphlet Against Anthologies, by Laura Riding and Robert Graves [with Foreword].-London: Cape; New York: Doubleday, 1928.-192p.

Love As Love, Death As Death.-London: Seizin Press, 1928.-vi,64p. [Limited to 175 numbered & signed copies] [Poems]

Poems A Joking Word [with Preface].-London: Cape, 1930.-172p. ["Poems, Collection"] [Title italicization and punctuation shown as on title-page; colon after Poems was adopted later]

Four Unposted Letters To Catherine.-Paris: Hours Press, [1930].-[iii (or v)],51,[i]p. [Limited to 200 numbered & signed copies. (Higher-numbered copies - above no. 100? – will probably contain the 'Dear Gertrude' leaf [v], tipped-on to p.1)] ["On personal and worldly values, for a child's understanding"]

Experts Are Puzzled.-London: Cape , 1930.-160p. ["Mainly Stories"] [Epigraph, p.7, is a 7-line 'quotation','From Automancy by Lilith Outcome'. See endnote, below, on pseudonyms]

Though Gently.-Deya*, Majorca: Seizin Press, 1930.-[iv],30p. [Limited to 200 numbered & signed copies] ["Poems and Small Prose Passages"]

Twenty Poems Less.-Paris: Hours Press, 1930.-[iv],33,[i]p. [Limited to 200 numbered & signed copies] [Poems]

Laura And Francisca.-Deyá, Majorca: Seizin Press, 1931.-[v],22, [iii]p. [Limited to 200 numbered & signed copies] [Poem]

No Decency Left, by Barbara Rich [pseudonym].-London: Cape, 1932.-288p. [Novel by Robert Graves (for title provided by Jonathan Cape), revised by Laura Riding. See endnote, below, on pseudonyms]

Everybody's Letters, Collected and Arranged by Laura Riding, with [a Foreword and] an Editorial Postscript.-London: Barker, 1933.-253p. [Contents: I. 'The British Spirit', II: 'The Universal Spirit', III: 'The American Spirit'; Editorial Postscript, pp. 229-253] [Actual letters, published over invented names. In 1974 the editor identified herself as writer of the 'Lilith Outcome' letter (pp. 173-175), and Norman Cameron as writer of the letters from 'Cyril' (pp. 48-62); see Denver Quarterly, 8, 1974, pp. 31-33]

The Life Of The Dead; with ten Illustrations by John Aldridge, Engraved on Wood by R.J. Beedham.-London: Barker, 1933,-49,[i]p., illus. [Limited to 200 numbered & signed copies] ["Poem, in French, with English translation by Author"]

Poet: A Lying Word.-London: Barker, 1933.-vii,150p. ["Poems, Collection"]

14A, by Laura Riding and George Ellidge.-London: Barker, 1934.-302p. ["Dramatized Story"]

Americans [with Foreword].-Los Angeles: Primavera, 1934.-28p. [Limited to 200 numbered copies] [Poem]

Focus I[-IV] [edited by Laura Riding].-[Deyá]:[s.n.], 1935. [Issues: I, January 1935; II: February-March 1935; III: April-May 1935; IV: December 1935] ["A Private Magazine, for and by Friends"] (For L.R. contributions see sections C & D, below)

Epilogue: A Critical Summary; Volume I: Autumn 1935, Editor: Laura Riding, Assistant-Editor: Robert Graves.-Deya*, Majorca: Seizin Press; London: Constable, 1935.-vi,246p., plates. [Distributed in USA by Random House, New York] (For L.R. contributions see sections C & D, below)

Progress Of Stories [with Preface].-Deyá, Majorca: Seizin Press; London: Constable, 1935.-340p. [Published 23 January 1936] [Distributed in USA by Random House, New York] ["Stories, with Preface on Story-Nature"]

1936 - 2001

Epilogue: A Critical Summary; Volume II: Summer 1936, Editor: Laura Riding, Associate Editor: Robert Graves.-Deya*, Majorca: Seizin Press; London: Constable, 1936.-vi, 252p. [Distributed in USA by Random House, New York] (For L.R. contributions see sections C & D, below)

Convalescent Conversations, by Madeleine Vara [pseudonym of Laura Riding].-Deyá, Majorca: Seizin Press; London: Constable, 1936.-139p. [Distributed in USA by Random House, New York] ["Story in Conversational Form"] [See endnote, below, on pseudonyms]

A Trojan Ending [with Author's Preface].-Deya, Majorca: Seizin Press; London: Constable, 1937.-xxix, 436p., folding map; New York: Random House, 1937.-xxix, 426p. ["Historical Novel, with Prefatory Essay"]

Epilogue: A Critical Summary; Volume III: Spring 1937, Editor: Laura Riding, Associate Editor: Robert Graves.-Deya*, Majorca: Seizin Press; London: Constable, 1937.-vi,258p., plates. [Distributed in USA by Random House, New York] (For L.R. contributions see sections C & D, below)

Collected Poems.-London: Cassell; New York: Random House, 1938.-xxviii, 477p., illus. [With Prefatory Essay, 'To The Reader']

The World And Ourselves.-London: Chatto & Windus,1938.-xi, 529,[i]p. (Note, p.ii: 'This represents the fourth volume of the literary series Epilogue...') (Dustjacket: 'by Laura Riding and sixtyfive others') ["Symposium On State Of World, Edited, with Commentaries, by Laura Riding"] [Includes text of 'A Personal Letter, With A Request For A Reply' (January 1937), pp. 15-19]

Len Lye And The Problem Of Popular Films [by 'L.R.'].-London: Seizin Press, 1938.-46p. (Literal Solutions). ["Pamphlet-Treatise"]

The Left Heresy In Literature And Life, by Harry Kemp, Laura Riding, and others.-London: Methuen, 1939.-viii, 272p. [The 'others' are Robert Graves and Alan Hodge, who collaborated in no's V-VI--revised from Epilogue III, 1937--of the book's six sections]

Lives Of Wives.-London: Cassell; New York: Random House, 1939.-323 p. [Historical Stories] [I. 'A Persian Lady, And Her Contemporaries'; II. 'Macedonian Times'; III. 'New Ways In Jerusalem']

The World And Ourselves.-[Reissue (photographic reprint) of 1938 edition, with new preface, 'For Later Readers (Thoughts of 1969 on Thoughts of 1938)'].-Ann Arbor MI; High Wycombe: University Microfilms, 1969.-[i], i-xxii, xi, 531p.)

Selected Poems: In Five Sets [with Preface on her later view of poetry, by Laura (Riding) Jackson].-London: Faber, 1970 (paperback only); New York: Norton, 1973 (cloth & paperback).-94p. (paperback reissue, New York: Persea, 1993)

The Telling [with Nonce Preface (for Chelsea , 1967)], by Laura (Riding) Jackson.-London: Athlone Press, 1972; New York: Harper & Row, [1973].-[v], 185p. ["Treating of the Personal Basis of Truth"]

It Has Taken Long-: From The Writings Of Laura (Riding) Jackson [half-title: Selections: Laura (Riding) Jackson]; Chelsea 35, December 1976 [whole issue], editor Sonia Raiziss; guest-edited by Alfredo de Palchi.-New York: Chelsea Associates, 1976.-239p. [Introductory; Part 1: Language And Literature; Part 2: Story; Part 3: The Authorial Experience: Extracts From Praeterita; Part 4: The Personal Experience; Conclusory] (For L(R)J writings first published here, see Section D, below) [Other contributions: 'Word From The Guest Editor', by Alfredo de Palchi, pp. 10-11; Photograph, by Lowber Tiers, p. 227; Check-List, compiled by Alan Clark, pp. 228-239]

Description Of Life, by Laura Riding [with Preface by Laura (Riding) Jackson].-New York: Targ Editions, 1980.-v, 77p. [Limited to 350 copies, signed by the author]

The Poems Of Laura Riding: A New Edition of the 1938 Collection[with new Introduction by Laura (Riding) Jackson].-Manchester: Carcanet; New York: Persea, 2001.-xiv, 419p., illus. (paperback reissues.-Manchester: Carcanet, 1986; New York: Persea, 2001.)

Progress of Stories [new ed.]; with new material, including other early stories and a new preface by Laura (Riding) Jackson.-Manchester: Carcanet; New York: Dial Press, 1982.-xxxiii, 380p. (paperback reissues.-Manchester: Carcanet, 1986; New York: Persea, 1994.)

Some Communications Of Broad Reference.-Northridge CA: Lord John Press, 1983.-[vii], 32p. [Limited to 125 numbered and 26 lettered copies, all signed by the author]

A Trojan Ending[new ed.]; with an Afterword by Laura (Riding) Jackson. Manchester: Carcanet, 1984.-xxix, 443p., endpaper maps.

Final Troyano [con Epilogo, 1984]; traduccion de Mireia Bofill.-Barcelona: Edhasa, 1986.-453p., endpaper maps.

Lives of Wives [new ed.]; with a new Afterword by Laura (Riding) Jackson.-Manchester: Carcanet, 1988.-328p. (paperback reissue, Los Angeles: Sun & Moon Press, 1995.-329p. (Sun & Moon Classics; 71))

First Awakenings: The Early Poems [of Laura Riding] [with Author's Preface by] Laura (Riding) Jackson; edited by Elizabeth Friedmann, Alan J. Clark, and Robert Nye.-Manchester: Carcanet; New York: Persea, 1992.-xvi, 280p.

Four Unposted Letters To Catherine, [new ed.; with a Postscript (1963) by Laura (Riding) Jackson; Afterword by Elizabeth Friedmann and Alan J. Clark.]-New York:
Persea, 1993.-79p.

The Word "Woman", And Other Related Writings, by Laura (Riding) Jackson [with author's Foreword, May 1989]; edited [with an Introduction] by Elizabeth Friedmann and Alan J. Clark.-New York: Persea, 1993.-ix, 211p.; Manchester: Carcanet, 1994.-ix, 203p.

A Selection Of The Poems Of Laura Riding; edited with an Introduction by Robert Nye.-Manchester: Carcanet, 1994; New York: Persea, 1996.-ix, 163p.

Rational Meaning: A New Foundation For The Definition Of Words, and Supplementary Essays, by Laura (Riding) Jackson and Schuyler B. Jackson; edited by William Harmon; Introduction by Charles Bernstein.-Charlottesville VA: University Press of Virginia, 1997.-xxv, 598p.

The Sufficient Difference: A Centenary Celebration of Laura (Riding) Jackson , guest-edited by Elizabeth Friedmann; Chelsea 69, December 2000 [whole issue], editor Richard Foerster.-New York: Chelsea Associates, 2000.-192p. (For L(R)J writings first published here, see Section D, below.) [Other contributions: 'General Introduction', by Elizabeth Friedmann, pp. 8-14; 'On The Failure Of Poetry: Introduction', by John Nolan, pp. 48-49; 'A Concentrated Impression of H.C.: Introduction', by Amber Vogel, pp. 108-110; 'A Note On Two Graves With The Same Epitaph', by William Harmon, pp. 143-147; 'Expanded Bibliographical Check-List, 1923-2001'[with notes], compiled by Alan J. Clark, pp. 147-179]

Anarchism Is Not Enough [new ed.]; edited and with an Introduction [and chronology] by Lisa Samuels.-Berkeley CA: University of California Press, 2001.-lxxviii,274p. [Text is facsimile of 1st ed. 1928]

The Poems Of Laura Riding: A Newly Revised Edition Of The 1938/1980 Collection; Centennial Preface by Mark Jacobs; [Note on the Text by Alan J. Clark].-New York: Persea, 2001.-xlv,498p. [Text is corrected facsimile of 1st ed. 1938]

A. II. Translations

Anatole France At Home, by Marcel Le Goff; Translated by Laura Riding Gottchalk [sic].-New York: Adelphi, 1926.-xi,197p., port. front., plates.

Almost Forgotten Germany, by Georg Schwarz; Translated by Laura Riding and Robert Graves.-Deyá, Majorca: Seizin Press; London: Constable, 1936.-viii,278p., port. front. [Distributed in USA by Random House, New York]

A. III. Miscellaneous features
[Broadsides, and pamphlets up to 16 pages]

The Seizin Press… Necessary Books… [Laura Riding, Robert Graves].-London: Seizin Press, 1929.-[8]p. [Folio flyer, folded twice. P.[5] prints RG’s poem, ‘Between Dark and Dark’; p.[8] announces forthcoming Seizin books] [cf Higginson, 1987, A.30.1]

The Seizin Press | Deya Mallorca Spain | These books have been printed by us since the summer of 1930…, Laura Riding | Robert Graves.-[Deya*: Seizin Press, 1931].-[1]p. [Broadside flyer, primarily listing Seizins 4,5,6, and including books ‘We shall have ready by the summer of 1931’]

Pictures.-[London]:[s.n.], [1933].-[8]p. ["A Pamphlet on Painting by Laura Riding; informally issued under Seizin Press auspices"]

The First Leaf.-Deya, Majorca: Seizin Press, 1933.-[8]p. and The Second Leaf.-Deya, Majorca: Seizin Press, 1935.-[8]p. ["Two portions of a long poem by Laura Riding, printed for private circulation"] [Single broadsheets, folded twice] [Revised as 'Disclaimer Of Person', see Collected Poems]

The Covenant Of Literal Morality.-[London]: Seizin Press, 1938-16p. ["A Handbook Composed by Laura Riding for a Private Group of People as a Basis of Moral Judgement and Practice"]

From The Chapter 'Truth' In 'Rational Meaning: A New Foundation for the Definition of Words' (Not Yet Published), by Laura (Riding) Jackson and Schuyler B. Jackson.-Berkhamsted: Priapus Press, 1975.-[8]p. [Limited to 45 copies]

A Poem: 'How A Poem Comes To Be' [with] Foreword [and note] to the Poem.-Northridge CA: Lord John Press, 1980.-[1]p. [Poem-broadside, 'For James F. Mathias'] [Limited to 150 numbered copies, signed by the author, and an undetermined number printed 'Presentation copy', inscribed and signed by the author]

A Short Sentence For Private Reflection On The Universal Length Of Meaning.-Ithaca NY: printed for Laura (Riding) Jackson by J. Tyler at the Pathos Press, 1987.-[1p]. [Limited to 30 numbered copies] [Broadside] [For private circulation]

A Short Sentence For Private Reflection On The Universal Length Of Meaning.-Ithaca NY: printed for Laura (Riding) Jackson by J. Tyler at the Pathos Press, 1988.-[8p]. [Limited to 20 numbered copies] [Pamphlet, from same setting of type as 1987 broadside] [For private circulation]

Carroll Ann Friedmann & Timothy Donald Roberts.-[Ithaca NY: printed by James Tyler, 1988].-[lp]. [Single-sentence statement, printed on ten lines, centred; with note 'Written on September 8, 1988, with reflection on an invitation received to attend a reception celebrating the marriage...'] [Broadside] [For private circulation].

Laura (Riding) Jackson / January 16, 1901 / September 2, 1991 [extracts from The Telling].-[Brooktondale NY]: printed for friends of Laura (Riding) Jackson by J.T., 1991.-[4p.] [Single sheet, folded once] [For private circulation]

The Sweet Ascetic [poem].-Brooktondale NY: printed by J. Tyler at the Larch Tree Press, 1992.-[1p]. [Limited to 40 numbered copies] [Broadside]

A Short Sentence For Private Reflection On The Universal Length Of Meaning.-Brooktondale NY: printed by James Tyler at the Larch Tree Press, 1995.-[1p]. [Limited to 50 copies] [Broadside, with facsimile signature: Laura (Riding) Jackson]

How It All Goes.-Brooktondale NY: printed by James Tyler at the Larch Tree Press, 1998.-[1p.]. [Limited to 100 numbered and 26 lettered copies] [Broadside, with facsimile signature: Laura (Riding) Jackson]

If you'd like to contribute to, or find out more about, Laura (Riding) Jackson and her work don't hesitate to get in touch, we'd love to hear from you.