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Focus is now online

Focus is now online in four sections: Focus I Focus II Focus III Focus IV A focus ‘is a point from which any activity (such as disease or an earthquake wave) originates. At any rate, a point at which forces meet. You know how we speak of things being “in focus”. My idea is, then, […]

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The Unthronged Oracle

 The Unthronged OracleMereo Books (9 Nov. 2016)Paperback ‏ : ‎ 316 pages, £9.99. Kindle: £2.30ISBN-10 ‏ : ‎ 1861516762ISBN-13 ‏ : ‎ 978-1861516763Jack Blackmore’s book is the most significant to appear so far on Laura Riding’s poetry. It avoids critical jargon, setting out, in straightforward prose, clues to the meaning of fifteen selected poems which exemplify the genius […]